Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My Kodak DX6490 digital camera

I recently bought myself a new digital camera. This is not the first tie I've ventured into the digital domain. I had an old 1 Megapixel camera. But it was time for a proper one. So I shopper around and eventually decided on the Kodak DX6490. This is a very nice camera to have. I used to take all my pictures with my Pentax Spotmatic (which I loaned from my father).

I always liked having complete control over the exposure and this digital camera gives it. I have taken over 2500 photos in the 4 months I have had this camera. I am not a bit disappointed in the results. It is a 4MP camera, which is quite adequate for my purposes (it gives 300 dpi prints of A4 size).

The lens is awesome, giving me a zoom from 38mm to 380mm equivalent, which will be hard to find with a conventional SLR.

I love taking photos of flowers. In my garden and on hiking trips.

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