Thursday, May 26, 2005

I took this beautiful silhouette in Beaufort West. Some of the most spectacular sunsets can be seen in this place. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

And of course...a picture of our beloved 1967 Volkswagen Beetle just after it was washed. I still drive to work and home every day with this car. Its engine and body is still in a mint condition. Forget about buying it... Posted by Hello

This picture of Centurion shopping centre was taken after dark with a 16 second exposure. (focal length(35mm) = 38 mm ISO = 80.0 T = 16 Fstop = 8.0) Posted by Hello

A beautiful lowfeld sunset (The eastern part of South Africa is known as the lowveld due to its low altitude and warm climate) Posted by Hello

This photo of a Strelitzia flower was taken near Nelspruit. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

This photo of Centurion Lake (with the Hotel in the background) was taken using a long exposure AFTER the sun had already set. To the eye the sky looked dark. The camera settings used where: focal length(35mm) = 38 mm ISO = 80.0 T = 12seconds Fstop = 3.0 Posted by Hello

Click on the picture to magnify it. I thought the reflection of the buildings in the water of the lake, together with the suspension walk bridge provided a very interesting view.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This photo of wall graffiti was taken from a minibus Taxi in Cape Town. That day we hiked up Table Mountain from the Kirstenbosch gardens,and returned from the mountain by taking the cable car and a Taxi to get to our starting point. Posted by Hello

This was actually my very first ride in a South African minibus taxi, and a very new experience I must say. Needless to say...we arrived at our destination QUICKLY, luckily in one piece.

As anybody can clearly see...this is a photo of a dragonfly on a rock...taken on one of our many hikes in the country. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

They have a collection of very old paintings as well at the Delheim wine estate (Stellenbosch) Posted by Hello

Picture of a a wine cellar at the Delheim wine estate near Stellenbosch, Cape  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Picture of the 2D pattern of guitar keys when they are arranged to be linked together by repeating chords Posted by Hello

Above you can see the way that the chords of all the guitar keys fit together like puzzle pieces. Maybe someone can explain it to me. But it seems that all the keys are somehow linked in music. We know that you can play the same song in different keys, by simply substituting the corresponding chords of the 2 keys between which you are transposing. Click on the picture to magnify it.

The following keys seem to be stringed together sequentially in a repeating pattern running from top to bottom next to each other:

There must be a reason why it is so. Maybe it is sorted in order of increasing overall tone?

I would like to get feedback from anybody who finds this interesting...

There is another site who looked at colour coding guitar chords:

Picture of how the A, C and Eb keys can be stringed together to form a pattern Posted by Hello

I described the stinging/linking together of the guitar chords earlier. Here you can see an example of how the keys fit together almost like puzzle pieces or DNA molecules.

I then looked for a 2Dimensional arrangement where all the guitar keys kan be linked like this and I came across the following...see in next post

Picture of the C and A keys of guitar chords Posted by Hello

Playig guitar and singing is one of the things I sometimes like to do. I also love mathematics. I mostly figured out the chords by myself since I had no formal training.

I leant that you could write all the keys as a group of 6 chords which you can substitute with the corresponding chords of another key when transposing between keys.

Have a look at for a description of the keys.

For example: In the above picture you can see the arrangement of chords for the keys of C and A.

For the key of C, the chord C is known as the tonic chord since it gives the key note/ first note of the scale. The chord G7 is called the dominant chord, F the sub dominant. These are the major chords of the key. The minor chord Dm is called the supertonic, Am is called the sub-mediant and E7 is called the Major sixth. Don't take my word on it, look for yourself, as I am not an expert.

While using these 6 chord key groupings I discovered that they can be linked together. See it in my next post.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Photo of a seagull I took at Kalk Bay near Cape town Posted by Hello

The name of that other song reminds me of a very great person, to which we in South Africa fondly refers to as Madiba. A person I have very great respect for due to the way he profoundly demonstrated how one should love one's enemies and thereby eventually win them over. His name is Nelson Mandela. Just listen to this extract from his inaugural speech as president of South Africa in 1994:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't benefit the world
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us
It's not just some of us - it's in everyone !
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

The above was obtained from a CD cover by Nianell, but it can also be found at:

Here is another of this great man's speeches in Cape Town on 9 May 1994
On 10 May 1994 at the Union Buildings

You can find writings on his life here

Monday, May 02, 2005

The instant of a droplet falling into a pond of water....captured in time Posted by Hello

One big advantage of photography is that it forces you to focus on what is going on around you in the world. You have to really be on the lookout for scenes that are out of the ordinary. You have to look differently at the world around you in order to create photographs that grasp the attention of people. The problem with human life is that you sometimes get so used to things being the same, that you do not notice the beauty of it any more.
I try to take time to become aware of things around me...feeling the scene, becoming aware of how it makes me feel not just noticing it and moving on. That is how I tray to "seize the day", to make the most of every moment. I think the difference between simply existing/surviving and really living lies in how you take advantage of the moments you are given. The more intensely you experience things, the slower times seems to pass, and the more superficially you go through life, the less you notice how quickly time goes past you.
Sometimes you just need to listen inside, to who you really are, to discover what you really love in life...and then focus on those things.