The instant of a droplet falling into a pond of water....captured in time

One big advantage of photography is that it forces you to focus on what is going on around you in the world. You have to really be on the lookout for scenes that are out of the ordinary. You have to look differently at the world around you in order to create photographs that grasp the attention of people. The problem with human life is that you sometimes get so used to things being the same, that you do not notice the beauty of it any more.
I try to take time to become aware of things around me...feeling the scene, becoming aware of how it makes me feel not just noticing it and moving on. That is how I tray to "seize the day", to make the most of every moment. I think the difference between simply existing/surviving and really living lies in how you take advantage of the moments you are given. The more intensely you experience things, the slower times seems to pass, and the more superficially you go through life, the less you notice how quickly time goes past you.
Sometimes you just need to listen inside, to who you really are, to discover what you really love in life...and then focus on those things.
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